What are you passionate about? When you make your passions the things that occupy your daily life, life becomes so much fun and fulfilling, even when it is challenging. I have watched many videos of successful people like Oprah, Jeff Bizos, etc. and the number one...

Astrology Magic for Your Life and Business

On the astrology self-discovery journey, I have just discovered business astrology, and how fascinating it is! For one, now I know why my money life is so feast or famine, From R0 to R100k+ to R0 to minus so often times! Uranus the planet of chaos alongside Mars the...


‘I’m every woman, it’s all in me!’ – Whitney Houston I had an interesting convo with my guy cousin a few weeks back, he was viewing one of my most recent live videos. His comment was that I should consider doing most of my content with...

Dear Other Woman

I am writing this letter to you because wow. When I have a conversation ŵith you, you think that I’m trying to fight for the man who is sleeping with both of us, telling èach same stories thinking we will never meet and compare notes! Well, here aŕe my...

Mom Extraordinairè

How awesome that the first post that showed up on my Facebook timeline as I got in for the first time today, was a friend being awarded for outstanding achievement!Well, The reason I came in was coz i realised another moment I wanna archive has just occured. I...

How my business saved me from unemployment

People think that I stopped working intentionally to go into business. This is not true. I quit my permanent job with intention to split my focus between independent contracts and my creative business. This decision was mandated by circumstances I found myself in as...
What I Learnt Today about Growth…

What I Learnt Today about Growth…

Today I’m reminded once again that; Learning happens one day at a time. Winning ideas spring up one moment at a time. Wisdom is ignited one conversation at a time. Legacies are created one experience at a time. Change happens one person at a time. What’s in our minds,...
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